How To Prepare For A Kitchen Remodel?

Are you gearing up for a kitchen remodel? It’s an exciting journey that promises to infuse new life into the heart of your home. But, let’s face it: a kitchen renovation can be a bit of a rollercoaster, especially when your usual cooking and dining space turns into a no-go zone for a few weeks. That’s where you must know how to prepare for a kitchen remodel.

To prepare for a kitchen remodel, start by setting up a temporary kitchen, packing up your current one, and planning simple meals. Declutter and box essentials, maintain clear communication with your contractor, and keep the work area accessible. Briefly relocate if possible during intensive work phases, and stay organized, focusing on the goal of your new kitchen.

Fear not! With our years of expertise in transforming kitchens, we’ve mastered the art of seamless remodeling. Here are some insider tips to help you sail through your kitchen renovation with ease and excitement.

How to Pack Up For a Kitchen Remodel?

How to Pack Up For a Kitchen Remodel

1. Declutter Your Kitchen

Take this opportunity to declutter your kitchen. Start by assessing each area, from countertops to cabinets. Donate or discard items you no longer need, creating a more efficient and organized space. 

Consider a minimalist approach – keeping only the essentials not only simplifies packing but also sets the stage for a cleaner, more functional kitchen after remodeling. Tackling clutter upfront ensures that you only bring back items that truly contribute. 

2. Make a List of Necessary Items

Prepare a list of the essential items you frequently use in your kitchen. Double-check to ensure nothing is overlooked. Set them aside so they remain accessible for cooking and eating at home during the renovation. 

3. Empty Your Cabinets

Take out everything from your cabinets and pack them with care. Since you’ve already sorted out unused and valuable stuff, this step will be much less painful. Whether it’s heavy pots and pans or fragile dishes, be extremely careful with each of item.

When packing dishes, use bubble wrap or newspaper in between to prevent scratches or damage during the move. This extra layer of protection ensures your kitchenware arrives at the temporary setup unharmed. 

4. Box, Tape, and Label 

Get several boxes, and masking tape to efficiently clear out your kitchen space. Label each box to help organize your kitchen once the remodel is complete.

Additionally, prepare an alternative storage space, whether it’s your garage, storeroom, or basement, to shift these boxes. If possible, designate a room in your home as a temporary storage area for added convenience during the renovation.

5. Remove Wall Hangings

Curtains, pictures, decorations, paintings, or any other items in or around your kitchen area must be promptly removed. The various activities during renovation pose a risk of damage to these belongings. 

Consider removing mirrors and frames hanging on the walls of adjacent rooms as well. This precautionary step ensures the safety of such delicate and expensive items. 

6. Use Plastic to Shield from Dirt and Dust 

After relocating items from your kitchen and surrounding walls, consider safeguarding things that can’t be easily moved. We recommend stocking up on plastic sheets to protect your belongings.

Cover furniture, electronics, and other items in the rest of the house, especially those closer to the construction zone, to prevent the accumulation of dirt and dust.

7. Sort Out Before Demolition 

Before the demolition phase begins, take time to evaluate the condition of light fixtures and faucets. Don’t hastily discard them—consider if they can be salvaged or repurposed.

Decide whether you’d like to donate cabinets and outdated appliances or opt for budget-friendly refurbishments. Planning before demolition prevents post-action regrets. If you’re unsure, consult with our General Contractor (GC) who can help explore options without breaking the bank. 

How to Set Up a Temporary Kitchen?

Setting up a temporary kitchen during remodeling is a smart move. Since the renovation is a weeks-long project, eating out is neither healthy nor cost-effective. So you must have a place to work through your meals at home. 

Here’s how to make a makeshift kitchen work for you:

  • Arrange a Table: Place a table near an electric supply for small appliances like a coffee maker, microwave, toaster, hot plate, and slow cooker. You can even get a foldable table to use it for preparing your meals.
  • Dishwashing Spot: Find an alternative place for washing dishes. The most recommended ones are the bathroom sink and patio hose.
  • Go Disposable: Consider using disposable utensils, paper plates, plastic cups, and cutlery for easy cleanup. Keep paper towels and napkins handy.
  • Get Necessary Utensils: If not disposable, make sure you stock knives, forks, spoons, cutting board, griddles, frying pan, and strainers. 
  • Refrigerator Placement: Find a suitable spot for the refrigerator in your makeshift kitchen. If needed, ask a friend to lend you a mini fridge temporarily.
  • Stock Up Smart: Keep a supply of healthy and non-perishable food items. This not only reduces the effort needed for cooking but also minimizes the need for extensive dishwashing and cleaning.

How to Survive a Kitchen Remodel?

Plan Your Meals: Prepare and Freeze

What to eat when your kitchen is being remodeled? During a kitchen remodel, plan simple and easy-to-prepare meals. You may opt for dishes that require minimal cooking, like salads, sandwiches, and one-pan recipes.

Planning your meals ahead is a lifesaver during a kitchen remodel. You can also take time to prepare some meals in advance and freeze them. This way, you can simply reheat and enjoy a home-cooked meal without the hassle of cooking in a makeshift kitchen. 

Plan Your Meals: Prepare Fresh

Navigating a kitchen remodel doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the joy of fresh, homemade meals. With a bit of creativity and the right appliances, you can still whip up delicious dishes for you and your family. Here’s a guide to help you plan a variety of meals using alternative cooking methods:

  • Instant Pot: This versatile appliance can be your best friend during a kitchen remodel. It’s perfect for cooking a variety of dishes such as fluffy rice, savory sauces, hearty pasta, and tender chicken.
  • Slow Cooker: It’s ideal for preparing comforting meals like a succulent pot roast, spicy chili, rich stews, tender pulled meats, and warming soups.
  • Hot Plate: A hot plate can be surprisingly versatile. Use it to make simple yet satisfying meals like pasta, scrambled eggs, and nourishing soups.
  • Electric Griddle: An electric griddle opens up a world of options. Enjoy breakfast classics like pancakes and bacon, or get creative with easy-to-make quesadillas.
  • Microwave: Don’t underestimate your microwave. It’s great for heating frozen meals, steaming fresh vegetables, cooking instant rice, and reheating leftovers to perfection.

Grill Outside: Barbecue with Family

How to Survive a Kitchen Remodel

Why not take the advantage of outdoor cooking on a grill when renovation is giving you a chance! Organize family barbecues to enjoy the open air and a delicious meal. It’s a great way to create positive moments amidst the chaos of a kitchen renovation. Other things you can consider making on your grill are:

  • Flatbread pizzas
  • Kebabs
  • Roasted vegetables
  • Baked beans
  • hGrilled meat (chicken or beef steak, shrimp, etc)

Potluck Party: Gather with Friends and Family

Consider hosting or attending potluck parties with friends and family. Sharing the cooking responsibilities lightens the load for everyone, and it’s a fun way to connect during the renovation period. If your kitchen is out of order, why not bring the party elsewhere?

Short Trip or Vacation: Escape the Noise

Should I move out during the kitchen remodel? If the renovation noise becomes overwhelming, you should definitely think about a short trip or vacation. This not only offers a break from the disruption but also ensures the safety and comfort of your kids and pets.

Consider planning a trip during intense phases of the kitchen remodel. It’s a strategic way to survive and make the most of the remodeling process. However, the decision depends on the extent of the renovation and personal preferences.


Navigating a kitchen remodel requires strategic planning and a dash of creativity. Setting up a temporary kitchen, as discussed, can turn the challenges of renovation into manageable tasks. 

These practical tips not only ease the burden but also transform the remodeling period into an opportunity for enjoyable moments with family and friends.

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